Rihanna rehab center in montecito
Rihanna rehab center in montecito

rihanna rehab center in montecito

Winfrey also pointedly noted that she had attended the couple’s wedding - thanking Meghan for the invite - and that they were neighbors in the posh Montecito area of Southern California. “That was such a fantastic way to be transparent about what we were going to see in that interview last night, and how we as viewers can judge its credibility.” “The thing that struck me first and I think will stay with me the longest is that she began the interview” with ethics-related disclosures, said Kathleen Bartzen Culver, director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. CBS reportedly paid Winfrey’s production company, Harpo, up to $9 million to air it and, according to early Nielsen estimates, was rewarded with 17 million viewers, an unusually large audience amid multiplying choices. Winfrey carefully framed the interview’s legitimacy at the outset, asking Meghan to confirm that questions hadn’t been provided in advance, no subject was off limits and the couple wasn’t compensated. Hugh Jackman recommended the “courageous interview” for its candor about mental health, and Serena Williams praised her friend Meghan for being “so brave.” The British tabloids that Meghan also blamed for her emotional pain feasted on the interview while labeling it self-serving. even before the special’s planned airing there Monday night. The answers, including claims of palace bigotry and callousness that Meghan said put her on the brink of suicide, reverberated with U.S. This time, she asked the couple holding hands in a manicured California garden to reveal the sins of a monarchy with 1,200 years of history. In those encounters, Winfrey played prosecutor or mother confessor.

Rihanna rehab center in montecito